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Censored Quantile Regression for the Decision of Alcohol Consumption under Heterogeneous Risk Perceptions
作者 劉哲良吳珮瑛
This paper uses the conceptual framework of decomposed theory of planned behavior to analyze a set of censored data. The censored quantile regression is conducted for the diverse risk perceptions of alcohol consumption decision, i.e. a positive risk perception and a negative risk perception. The results show that all explanatory variables do have impacts on the decision of alcohol consumption under the framework of Bayesian learning and decomposed theory of planned behavior. Among these, the risk perception variables with either positive risk or negative risk perception have the most significant impacts. The alcohol consumption elasticities of risk perception for either positive or negative risk perception under the light alcohol consumption are all higher than those under the median and heavy levels of alcohol consumption. As such, group with light alcohol consumption is more effective than other two groups if the related agents intend to educate general public about the impact of alcohol consumption on the health through information delivery. Groups with median and heavy alcohol consumption are mostly affected by the addiction to the consumption of alcohol.
起訖頁 95-137
關鍵詞 解構式計畫行為理論正向風險認知負向風險認知二階段估計法受限分量迴歸Decomposed Theory of Planned BehaviorPositive Risk PerceptionNegative Risk PerceptionTwo-stage Regression ApproachCensored Quantile Regression
刊名 應用經濟論叢  
期數 200912 (86期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
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