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Using conjoint analysis to evaluate the certification system of organic products
作者 黃璋如周孟萱
Taiwan government has been aggressively requiring organic products’traceability records to be registered in a specific website instead of a paper-based traceability system. Besides, the government proposed to allow the use of organic labels for products with residual pesticide up to 5% of the safety level instead of non-residue. This study attempted to examine if these policies are expected by the consumers. The conjoint analysis results indicate that online traceability registration has no appreciable advantage over paper-based registration in terms of market share. This study also discovered that the liberalization of the definition of organic produce to include“5% of safety level”will actually decrease the market share of organic products. The results show that among the four attributes for agricultural products,“certification”has the highest degree of importance, followed by the approximately equal“residual pesticide level”and“traceability”, with“price”being the lowest. In various certification schemes, organic products have the highest level of utility, followed by TAP and GAP. Uncertified products rank the lowest. In traceability attributes, online registration has slightly higher utility than paper-based registration, with no traceability having the lowest level. In the detection of residual pesticide,“none detected”has a much higher utility level than“5% of safety level”and“safety level.”
起訖頁 69-94
關鍵詞 有機農產品聯合分析市場份額驗證政策產銷履歷organic productsconjoint analysismarket sharecertification systemtraceability
刊名 應用經濟論叢  
期數 200912 (86期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 貨幣政策與匯率轉嫁之探討──台灣之實證分析
該期刊-下一篇 受限分量迴歸描繪下異質風險認知之酒精消費量決策分析




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