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日語單字熟悉度對於台灣日語學習者的音韻情報處理的影響(The influences of familiarity on phonological information processing of Japanese learners in Taiwan)
作者 陳相州
In the field of psycholinguistic research, there is a mental lexicon in charge of the management of vocabulary knowledge. One of the fundamental elements that influence the access to the mental lexicon is the familiarity with words. It is believed that the phonological representation in the mental lexicon can directly achieved through hearing and indirectly through the link of visual grapheme representation. The research subjects were asked to take part in the auditory lexical decision task and the naming task, to clarify the influences of their familiarity with words on their phonological information processing. The research findings are summarized below. First of all, the influence of the familiarity with auditory words on the direct connection from pronunciations to phonological representation was the largest. And the familiarity with written words could influence the link to phonological representation through grapheme representation. Moreover, the influences of the familiarity with auditory words were significant only with the learners with high vocabulary capability during the process of the naming task.
起訖頁 91-119
關鍵詞 日本語単語親密度台湾人日本語學習者音韻情報処理聴覚語彙性判断課題音読課題日語單字熟悉度台灣日語學習者音韻情報處理聽覺詞彙判斷課題音讀課題FamiliarityJapanese learners in Taiwanphonological information processingauditory lexical decision tasknaming task
刊名 台灣日語教育學報  
期數 201812 (31期)
出版單位 台灣日語教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 關於「切る」「切れる」的語意對應與不對應─以『基本動詞手冊』的記述為本─(Correspondence of meaning of“kiru''and“kireru'': Based on the descriptions of“Handbook of usage of Japanese basic verbs'')
該期刊-下一篇 台灣日語初級學習者的發音學習策略(The learning strategies of Taiwanese elementary learners in Japanese pronunciation)




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