中文摘要 |
在全球化的進程中,適應全球化人才的培養也成為大學教育的重要目標。其中外語教育也不再只有語言知識的傳授,還加入了倡導「同儕力」、「社會連結力」等概念的「3 x 3 + 3」教育理念。筆者認為要實踐3 x 3 + 3」教育理念,就要透過頂石計劃的實施步驟,讓高年級的學習者能把學到的語言知識,應用在和自己相關的社會環境。因此筆者在教學現場透過小組合作的方式進行作業,培養學習者的同儕力,同時也幫助他們未來在職場上能主動發現問題,進而發展成與人溝通交涉的能力。透過頂石計畫,筆者獲得了一定的教學成果。同時筆者也發現了受過頂石計畫訓練的高年級生,其呈現出的翻譯作品,除了專業的語言知識之應用外,甚至還會搭配其他既學的領域技巧,如電腦軟體操件,美術技巧等,來完成作品。也就是說透過頂石計劃來實施「3 x 3 + 3」理念,除了能實現培育全球化人材力的教學理念,還能讓學習者有跨領域的應用機會呈現在作品裏。綜合上述觀察,筆者認為在高年級時導入頂石計畫,會為「3 x 3 + 3」教育理念的實踐帶來相對應的成果。 Higher education should prepare students for the realities of the marketplace in an increasingly globalized world. Being prepared for that world requires that one be linguistically and culturally fluent enough to function in foreign countries and cultures. But acquiring that fluency isn't merely a matter of rote memorization or other formulaic approaches to learning that, historically, have largely defined foreign language studies at the university level in Taiwan. In the case of studying Japanese as a foreign language, the elements of collaboration, interaction and the practical use of language in everyday scenarios are figuring more prominently than ever in Japanese language studies classrooms in Taiwan, especially at the advanced university level. The“Three By Three Plus Three'' approach to teaching foreign languages crystallizes such elements, while the Capstone Program offers a step-by-step method to incorporate them into an advanced Japanese studies curriculum. The purpose of this paper is to document the effectiveness of using the Capstone Program in the classroom, with a focus on teaching real-world collaboration and communication skills in Japanese that could be used in a common workplace context. |