中文摘要 |
現今的日語教育對於類義語「omou」和「kangaeru」的解釋通常停留於與「to」共現的引用用法上,然而對於「wo」格名詞則無多加闡述。相關的參考文獻雖針對「omou」和「kangaeru」的「wo」格名詞有所考察,不過除了在記述方面還有可檢討的空間之外,對於具體和怎樣的「wo」格名詞較易共現也沒有深入探討。本稿先從『NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ』擷取「omou」和「kangaeru」的「wo」格名詞,並使用『分類語彙表(増補改訂版)』對其做語意上的分類。而「omou」和「kangaeru」共同共現的「wo」格名詞由於鮮少於參考文獻中被討論,因此以「wo」格名詞的語意特徵為基準,對兩動詞進行分析。最後站在學習者的角度,將分析結果反應至「omou」和「kangaeru」的相關記述上。 In current Japanese language education, the synonymous verbs omou and kangaeru (“to think'') are taught as taking the quotative to-particle. However, the concurrence of nouns taking the direct object o-particle for both verbs has not been thoroughly investigated. Previous literature examines nouns that take the o-particle, however, the vague descriptions do not expressly list what kind of nouns are taken by the two verbs. Thus, this paper selects nouns taking the o-particle before omou and kangaeru in the“NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ'' corpus, classifies them by meaning using the Thesaurus of Japanese (revised version)'' and then characterizes the noun types. Next, the meaning of the nouns that can be marked with the o-particle concurrently for omou and kangaeru is examined: a step rarely referenced in previous studies. Finally, possible description methods for the cases in which the two verbs take the o particle are discussed from the perspective of“description for second language learners,'' based on the results of the analysis. |