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On Morio Kita's“In the Valley''- a story of the col lecting of Agehana maraho butterf ly in Taiwan
作者 邱若山
Published in Shincho magazine in February, 1952, “In the valley'' is the only work by Morio Kita that takes place in Taiwan. It was republished in the Anthology of Representative Works of 1959 by the Japan Writers Association and in various subsequent collections of Morio Kita. It ranks among his finest work. The story of “In the valley'' takes place two years after the end of World War II. “From the inn of Simazima, over Tokugotoge and into the valley of Kamikochi'' constitutes the first setting of the work. Here, the high school protagonist “I'' meets a researcher who excavates ant nests in search of the larvae of Maculinea teleius butterfly. The researcher tells “I'' about his experiences of catching Agehana maraho when he was a butterfly collector. The second, also the main, setting of the story takes place in Taiwan's Puli and Zhuoshe Mountain. The story depicts a man's journey from being greedy and obsessive of trying to catch the very rare Agehana maraho of the Papilionidae family, to the attainment of true mindfulness at the realization of the futility of the endeavour and the value of life, and the later transformation from being a catcher to a researcher The present investigation studies Morio Kita's great work that belongs to the genre of natural ecological literature.
起訖頁 300-321
關鍵詞 北杜夫谿谷間寬尾鳳蝶捕蝶人胡麻蜆蝶Morio KitaIn the ValleyAgehana marahobutterfly collector Maculinea teleius
刊名 台灣日語教育學報  
期數 201612 (27期)
出版單位 台灣日語教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 日語能動型「tearu」之功能:與「teoku」之比較分析
該期刊-下一篇 八木義德文學裡的<民族協和>──關於<劉廣福>及<胡沙之花>




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