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Crossing the Moon and Jetting the Clouds and Passing Through the Air—The Writing of Railways in Taiwan's Traditional Chinese Poems during the Japanese Occupation
作者 周志仁
臺灣鐵道始肇建於清廷自強洋務新政,修築基隆、新竹區間鐵道。甲午戰爭後,臺灣割讓予日本,日本開始整理基隆至新竹區間鐵道,並延續修築至高雄,經過九年的時間,基隆至高雄的縱貫鐵路終於完工。縱貫鐵道的完成,改善臺灣南北交通,使台北、高雄兩地之間的一日生活圈完成。 日治時期是臺灣古典詩最蓬勃發展的時代,各種題材的作品皆有所見。本研究以傳統漢詩所書寫的臺灣縱貫鐵道為主要題材,藉由這批傳統漢詩的書寫,探討新科技與舊傳統文化的結合詳情。全文分為前言、日治初期的鐵道建設、漢詩所呈現的縱貫鐵道建設、縱貫鐵道全通儀式、海線修築及沿線城鎮發展、詩社擊缽的「火車」意象、車站的送往迎來、詩友互訪、火車旅遊造成漢詩創作高峰等方面,進行分析,從而揭示日治時期傳統漢詩鐵道書寫的時代性特徵。
Taiwan Railway was built in the Qing Dynasty's new policy for self-improvement and Westernization, and the Keelung-Hsinchu section railway was built. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and Japan began to reorganize the Keelung-Hsinchu section of the railway, and continued to build it to Kaohsiung. After 9 years, the Keelung-Kaohsiung longitudinal railway was finally completed. The completion of the longitudinal railway will improve Taiwan’s north-south traffic and complete the one-day living circle between Taipei and Kaohsiung. During the Japanese Occupation period, Taiwan's classical poetry developed the most vigorously, and works of various themes were seen. This research uses traditional Chinese poetry as the main theme of the Taiwan Railway Crossing Railway. Through the writing of this batch of traditional Chinese poetry, it explores the details of the combination of new technology and old traditional culture. The full text is divided into the foreword, the railway construction in the early days of the Japanese occupation, the construction of the longitudinal railway presented in Chinese poetry, the ceremony of the full-pass of the railway, the construction of the sea line and the development of the towns along the line, the ''train'' image of the poetry club, and the station delivery Analyzing the peak of Chinese poetry creation caused by the welcoming, the mutual visits of poets and friends, and the peak of the creation of Chinese poetry by train travel, the analysis reveals the contemporary characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry and railway writing during the Japanese occupation.
起訖頁 46-62
關鍵詞 臺灣日治縱貫鐵道漢詩傳統詩TaiwanJapanese ruleZongguan railwayChinese poetrytraditional poetry
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202101 (55期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣客家「喜感」故事的藝術特色
該期刊-下一篇 複調敘事下的英雄辯「義」──以《英雄志》中「觀海雲遠」為例




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