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村上春樹與貓之命運的邂逅-以《尋找漩渦貓的方法》為主(The fateful encounter between Haruki Murakami and the cat: Focusing on Uzumakineko no Mitsukekata)
作者 賴錦雀
村上春樹於《文藝春秋》2019年6月號刊登了散文〈棄貓 敘述父親時我想說的話〉。雖然主題是父親,不過有關貓的描述也備受矚目。村上於1974年春天開了一間咖啡廳,取名為「彼得貓」,在村上的諸多作品中,也都有貓的蹤跡。這或許與村上小學低年級時與父親到香櫨園棄貓的回憶有關。已經被拋棄的貓,卻比騎腳踏車的村上父子更早一步回到家,並在家門口迎接主人的歸來。從此,村上就走上了愛貓的命運吧!本論文以《尋找漩渦貓的方法》為主,從照片和文字檢視村上春樹於外國遊記中對貓的描述,並探討了村上貓的名字以及漩渦貓的所在。
Haruki Murakami announced in the June 2019 issue of Bungei Shunju an essay ''Abandoned a cat, what I say when I talk about my father.'' Although it was about his father, the depiction of Murakami's feelings towards the cat is also drawing attention. Murakami opened a jazz cafe in the spring of 1974. Its name was 'Peter Cat'. And cats have appeared in many Murakami's works. This may be related to the memory of the abandoned cat. When Murakami was in the lower grades of elementary school, he ran a bicycle with his father, went to the beach at Koroen, and abandoned a growing female cat. But the abandoned cat returned earlier than Murakami. Since then, Haruki Murakami was destined to take care of cats. In this paper, the following points were considered for Haruki Murakami's foreign stay journal Uzumakineko no Mitsukekata'': 1. a cat statue seen from photos and text, 2. the name of the cat, 3. Where the Uzumakineko is?
起訖頁 297-318
關鍵詞 村上春樹尋找漩渦貓的方法邂逅命運Haruki Murakami Uzumakineko no Mitsukekata cat encounter fate
刊名 台灣日本語文學報  
期數 202012 (48期)
出版單位 台灣日本語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 Level──1日語活動設計初探──以核心素養的「態度」為中心(''Attitude''as a Key Competency in New Curricula Guidelines: A Study of Teaching Level-1 Japanese as a Second Foreign Language)
該期刊-下一篇 ICT相關問卷調查及學習者的認知──透過在日文翻譯課中利用ICT(Survey on ICT and Learner's Perception: Through the Using ICT in the Classroom of Translate into Japanese)




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