中文摘要 |
筆者曾在「2015 年度台灣日本語文學國際學術研討會―日本語文學研究における『S字カーブ』への挑戦―」上,針對辻仁成的《風平浪靜彷若母 驚濤駭浪好似父》作品進行分析考察。筆者著眼於主角Sekiji、以及與其相貌極為酷似的Reiji 兩人間的鏡像關係依存延展出的兄弟或雙胞胎特質,以<Reiji 的殺人理由,或與Sekiji互為鏡像關係的Reiji>為副標題進行發表。本論文將延續前述研究成果,在Sekiji 與Reiji 的相互補足關係的基礎上繼續探究。在本論文中將論述,由於Sekiji、Reiji 兩人認知到彼此是「賦予自身關於現實中美好象徵」個體、亦是自身失去的關於統一存在的象徵個體、如同Reiji 殺害山谷,清算過去種種、打算奮力活下去般,爾後Sekiji、Reiji 兩人發現各自家庭的假像欺瞞、想從自身的桎梏無力中脫逃,都會加以詳論。 |
英文摘要 |
There are two people named Sekiji and Reiji. Sekiji who is the main character resembles Reiji in appearance, I submitted that recognize mirror image brotherly and in particular that a twin relation in Sekiji and Reiji about Tsuji-Hitonari work called ''Haha naru nagi to chichi naru shike(a calm likes mother and a storm likes father) '', a subtitle as ''The reason of Reiji murdered Yamaya, or his mirror image with Sekiji'' in ''the challenge to ''S-curve'' which can be put in JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ASSOCIATION OF TAIWAN International Symposium 2015''. After all Sekiji and Reiji are the existence complemented mutually in whole work, but thi s paper is also in a last announcement and the relation complemented mutually. I argue that Sekiji comes also to aim at shake from powerless oneself who noticed the home deception by Reiji and shut himself off as Reiji came to kill Yamaya, settle the past and live positively by two people's recognizing mutual as their lost unifying existence to which one ''gives an excellent symbol about actuality'' by this thesis. |