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台灣日本語文學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Reexamination of Grammatical Unit Seen From Text Theory: Aiming at a Fundamental Making of the Teaching Material Theory for Japanese Education
作者 落合由治
Japanese-language education and Japanese study have entered a big transition stage now. The problem of Japanese study exists in this background. The flow of a grammatical concept concerning Japanese used by Japanese-language education has two currents. One is the taxonomy from a Saussure Lang side to the extension of a national language historical aspect and it means some classifications of a grammatical part of speech that has the origin of the Japanese historical grammar like Hashimoto grammar etc. In addition, there are various concepts used in the Japanese study that has introduced the viewpoint of the origin of the research about language in Europe and America following it. Another trends are many grammatical concepts in Japanese-language educations such as ''Compound word'' and ''Basic sentence pattern'' that were born from the necessity of Japanese-language teaching. The mixture phenomenon in such many different standpoints have caused confusion and difficulty of contents on the explanation that used in Japanese researches and teachings. It introduces the outline of the activated discussion related to the review of grammatical concept and part of speech in this thesis. And, this thesis will review some grammatical concepts by the Lang from a parole aspect of the expression activity on expression subject that suits concrete texts as a problem institution.
起訖頁 129-154
關鍵詞 文法概念社會言語個人言語表達主體活動grammatical concept Lange parole expression subject Activity
刊名 台灣日本語文學報  
期數 201506 (37期)
出版單位 台灣日本語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 從《葛斯空布德里的傳記》到《葛斯柯布德里的傳記》-其技巧與主題的變化
該期刊-下一篇 「日語形容詞語幹+促音」探究




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