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A Study on Strategy of Green Port Development in Kaohsiung Port
作者 胡家聲廖宗康翠芳
近年來港口汙染的問題日益受到重視,港口經營必須兼顧經濟效益與環 境的保護,此概念已使全球各港紛紛走向建置綠化港口的趨勢;儼然 成為永續發展港口運營的關鍵,各國許多先進的港口已經將發展綠港的環境 因素納入其運作之中。 本文透過瞭解國際著名綠港及探討高雄港對綠港的經營現況等來進行比 較,找出高雄港之優勢與不足,進而借助專家訪談的方式彙整各專業的意 見,經由探討研析,提供建議高雄港未來綠港發展的策略,俾利提升高雄港 營運效益,期使強化高雄港未來國際的競爭地位。
In recent years, the issue of port pollution has been increasing attention. Port operation has to take into account both the economic efficiency and the environmental protection. This environment friendly idea has led to the emergence of ''green ports'' around the world, which has become the key to sustainable development of ports. A lot of advanced ports have incorporated environmental factors into their operation in order to fulfill the concept of green ports. Through the reviews on green ports in the world and the operation status of the Kaohsiung Port, this study can find out the advantages and disadvantages of Kaohsiung Port. Then, expert interviews will be conducted to gather the opinions of various professions in green port practices. The analysis in this research could provide suggestions for the future green port development strategy of the Kaohsiung Port. It could assist suggestions to this port to improve the operating efficiency and enhance its international competitive position in the future.
起訖頁 51-72
關鍵詞 綠港港口汙染高雄港Green port Port pollution Kaohsiung port
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 201909 (28:3期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 定期航運對商業環境改變之因應對策
該期刊-下一篇 藝術品物流作業風險管理之研究




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