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The Risk Management of Artwork Logistics Operation
作者 楊雅玲盧柏軒
近幾年世界各地引進或出口藝術品收藏、參加巡迴展覽的機會逐漸增 加,由於藝術品珍貴且不易保存,若中途發生貨物毀損滅失之情事, 將連帶影響整個展覽作業的進行並造成極大損失。因此,如何規劃運送流程 及管理運送風險就顯得非常重要,有效的風險管理可使物流業者達成保障其 運送安全之目標。本研究經由文獻回顧及訪談專家學者及業者,辨識出四個 風險構面及 16 個風險因素,再設計問卷,並使用層級程序分析法進行風險 分析及衡量,得知在藝術品物流作業中,最重要的前三項風險因素分別為: 「包裝未確實」、「人為所致卸貨意外」以及「貨物通關提領延宕」。最後,針 對上述較為重要之風險因素,研提對應的風險策略供業者及貨主參考。
Because of the increasing opportunity of importing and exporting art collection and participating in exhibitions in recent years, art collections have been precious and uneasy to preserve. If it is damaged or lost during transportation, it will affect the entire operation and cause great losses. Therefore, it is very important to manage the risks and make a detailed delivery plan. Effective risk management can enable logistics operators to achieve the goal of ensuring artwork safety. Secondly, through literature review and interviews with experts, scholars and practitioners, four risk facets and 16 risk factors were identified, and risk analysis and measurement were conducted through questionnaires. According to the empirical analysis results, the most important three risk factors are: ''package is not confirmed'',''man-made unloading accident''and''goods clearance for goods clearance''. Finally, in response to the more important risk factors mentioned above, the corresponding risk strategy should be provided for entrepreneurs and clients.
起訖頁 73-96
關鍵詞 藝術品物流作業風險管理層級程序分析法Artwork logistics operation Risk management Analytic Hierarchy Process
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 201909 (28:3期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 高雄港綠港發展策略之探討




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