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The Measures for Liner Shipping to Cope with the Change of Business Environment
作者 林婷如蔡絢麗張志清
定期航運之經營環境,因船舶大型化、船噸供過於求、運能集中形成寡 占、全球經濟版塊移動及區域貿易協定、貨物精緻化、國際公約對綠 色航運之要求等外在商業環境因素的改變,而有不同程度的衝擊。故有必要 探討此等因素對定期航運營運之影響及因應對策。本研究經由文獻回顧及研 究訪談,探討定期航運產業發展、全球航運市場及商業模式的改變;產業分 工之趨勢;國際公約對航運環保及安全要求及因應對策;創新科技在定期航 運上之應用;定期航商如何因應全球政治、經濟、環保及商業環境之變化。
In consideration of the change of its business environment, the trend of larger containerships, over-supply of ship tonnage, oligopoly market, shifting of global economic development and regional trade agreement, the structure of cargo types, as well as those IMO conventions requirements upon green shipping, liner shipping industry faces certain impacts while running its business and adopting its future strategies. This study explores the following issues based on literature reviews and expert interviews: the future development of liner shipping, the change of global shipping market and business models, the cooperation of global manufactures, those requirements and their responding measures provided by IMO conventions relating to environment protection and safety, the application of innovative technologies upon liner shipping, and how the liner shipping companies adapt to the change of global political, economic, environmental and commercial conditions.
起訖頁 23-49
關鍵詞 定期航運航運市場國際物流商業環境Liner shipping Global shipping market International logistics Business environment
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 201909 (28:3期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 低成本航空公司在亞洲各主要機場的營運 現況
該期刊-下一篇 高雄港綠港發展策略之探討




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