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Walking Travel Experience on the Camino de Santiago
作者 范育成
本研究從旅遊體驗的觀點探討「聖雅各朝聖之路 (Camino de Santiago) 」徒步旅遊者的參與動機及其體驗。1987 年,這條路被定為第 一條歐洲文化路線,新的黃色箭頭路標開始出現在沿路上,聖雅各朝聖之 路從此吸引了更多來自西班牙和許多其他國家的遊客、步行度假者或朝聖 者。如今,每年有成千上萬的各國人士前來走這條路。徒步到聖雅各朝聖 已經或多或少發展成為一種運動或旅遊活動。旅遊往往被視為一種體驗來 研究,旅遊體驗的過程包括:預期、參與和省思。本研究從旅遊體驗的觀 點,透過文獻分析、研究者於 2015 年 6 月 10 日到 7 月 10 日,從 St. Jean Pied de Port 走到 Santiago de Compostela 之參與觀察,以及深入訪談 10 位 徒步聖雅各朝聖之路的參與者,得出以下結論:一、徒步聖雅各朝聖之路 參與動機,包括文化、宗教、健身、心靈等動機,以及作為旅遊的選項; 二、聖雅各朝聖路參與者在旅遊體驗之預期、參與和省思三個過程中,都 得到深刻的身心靈體驗;三、聖雅各朝聖路參與者在經過約一個月的健行 後,得到正向的身體和心靈上的體驗,甚至個人發展。
This study aims to research the motives and experience of the participants on the Camino de Santiago from the walkingtravel experience point of view. In 1987, the route was designated as the first European Cultural Route and new yellow waymarks started to appear alongside the arrow and the Camino began to see the coach tours and guided walking holidays for traveller or pilgrims from Spain and many other countries. Today tens of thousands of people from different countries walk this route every year. More or less, the walking on the Camino de Santiago has developed into a kind of tourism activity or sport activity. Tourism is often studied as a kind of experience. The process of tourism experience includes anticipation, participation and reflection. From this perspective and through the analysis of literature, participating observation(the researcher has walked on 10th June to 10th July 2015 from Saint-Jean-Pied- de-Port to Santiago de Compostela), and in-depth interviews with ten Participants on the Camino de Santiago, this study shows conclusions as follows: 1. Today, people walk this route for a number of motives, some spiritual, some cultural, some religious, some for physical exercise or just as a choice of Journey; 2. Participants on the Camino de Santiago have got deep physical and spiritual experience in all three process of tourism experience: anticipation, participation and reflection; 3. Participants through the about one month''s hiking on Camino de Santiago have obtained positive physical and spiritual experience and personal development.
起訖頁 47-81
關鍵詞 旅遊體驗休閒體驗徒步旅遊聖雅各朝聖之路tourism experience leisure experience walking journey Camino de Santiago
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201709 (31期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 陳啟川的田徑生涯(1918-1921年)──首位參加奧運會預選賽的臺灣運動員
該期刊-下一篇 路跑民族誌──從5公里到54公里(2013- 2017)




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