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路跑民族誌──從5公里到54公里(2013- 2017)
Road Running Ethnography: From 5 to 54 Kilometer (2013-2017)
作者 文多斌
本研究旨在探索臺灣路跑運動的文化現象。經過筆者三年多的親身路 跑見證與田野筆記的觀察與紀錄;從 5 公里的初體驗到 54 公里的超馬挑 戰,透過實踐與反思的研究對話,完成了本篇民族誌的書寫並歸納出五大 路跑運動的文化現象:路跑社團的相繼成立、運動傷害的無所不在、馬拉 松的商機無限、秀異路跑人的玩心與淬鍊生命的價值。這些現象的發生皆 根源於一種自我追尋與夢想的實踐,希冀能朝向更快的速度與更遠的距離 邁進。
The purpose of this study is to explore a running culture in Taiwan. After more than three years of personal running experience and taking field notes of what I have been observing and witnessing, from the earliest 5 km to the final 54 km challenge, through the practice and reflection of self-dialogue, this ethnography was finally accomplished and summed up the five cultural phenomena of road running sports: road running societies being set up one after another, various kinds of sports injuries, the unlimited marathon business opportunities, unveiling different phases of runners'' playful heart and refining the value of life. These phenomena are derived from self-pursuit and the self-fulfillment of dreams, hoping to beome a faster and longer-distance runner.
起訖頁 83-123
關鍵詞 現象學超級馬拉松人類學民族誌路跑phenomenology ultramarathon anthropology ethnography road running
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201709 (31期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 聖雅各朝聖之路的徒步旅遊體驗
該期刊-下一篇 籃球冰火交會處──UBA禁賽風波之反思性實踐




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