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Qi-Chuan Chen's Athletics Career (1918-1921): The First Taiwanese Pioneer of Challenging Olympic Games
作者 金湘斌
陳啟川年輕時期曾多次代表慶應義塾參加田徑賽事,揚名日本。然 而,這些事蹟在可蒐羅的臺灣體育運動史相關書籍中,未有任何著墨。為 此,本文將採用《75 周年記念慶應義塾體育會競走部史》、《日本陸上 競技史》、《臺灣體育史》、「陳啟川先生紀念館」內保存之文物等相關 史料,以及筆者記錄的口述材料,探究陳啟川的田徑生涯,冀望深掘日治 時期臺灣體育運動史尚未討論的課題。據研究結果顯示,1920 年「第一 屆全島陸上競技大會」舉辦前,陳啟川即透過前往日本留學的管道,率先 參加 1920 年「第七屆奧運會第一、第二次預選賽」,試圖挑戰進軍奧運 會。同年 11 月,更以擅長跑、跳、投之姿態,轉戰全能運動項目,是為 「臺灣第一位鐵人」。即便,最終未能一償夙願征戰海外,但論其能晉級 至奧運會第二次預選賽與締造全日本 400 公尺接力紀錄的耀眼成就而 言,不失為是「首位參加奧運會預選賽的運動員」。
Qi-Chuan Chen (1899-1993) was very famous for participating in track and field events many times on behalf of Keio University in Japan when he was young. Unfortunately, up to now his deeds have not yet been inked on books of Taiwan physical education and sports histories. This study employs historical research method and interview to collect and analyze the historical data and oral materials for exploring the athletics career of Qi-Chuan Chen, and digging deep undiscovered issues in Japanese colonial era, which have not been discussed by Taiwan history academia of physical education and sports. The historical sources are from ''History of the 75th Anniversary of the Department of Athletics of Keio University,'' ''History of Athletics in Japan,'' ''History of Physical Education in Taiwan,'' and Historical Relics of Memorial of Mr. Qi-Chuan Chen. Qi-Chuan Chen participated in the first and second qualifying games for the 7th Olympic Games with an identification of student abroad in 1920 before the 1st Island Athletic Assembly was held. His intention was to go for the Games. The same year in November he challenged decathlon by his excellent skills of running, jumping and throwing. He won the reputation of the ''First Iron Man of Taiwan.'' Although he failed in the second qualifying game, he was still the first Taiwanese pioneer of challenging Olympic Games in terms of qualifying for rematch and creating the brilliant record of 400 m relay in Japan
起訖頁 7-45
關鍵詞 日治時期全能運動陸上競技運動競技史Japanese colonial era decathlon track and field athletic history
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201709 (31期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 聖雅各朝聖之路的徒步旅遊體驗




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