中文摘要 |
現今多數的疾病研究中,常以活體動物模型做為實驗對象,透過皮下或血管注射藥物、細胞或顯影劑,並經由體內循環、代謝或生長而得以研究疾病的發病機制及藥物的作用。在需長期觀察的活體實驗中,我們無法利用病理切片的方式來即時檢測病變組織。由於病變組織具三維結構,為順利觀察不同深度及面向之血管及新生腫瘤,本實驗室利用雙光子共軛焦顯微鏡(two-photon confocal microscope)來進行即時攝影觀察病變組織內的細胞行為。在本文中將以小鼠及雞胚胎的疾病模型為例,展現雙光子共軛焦顯微鏡擷取影像的成果。 In modern biomedical research, living animals are often used as disease models. To observe the disease states, it often requires subcutaneous or intravenous injection to introduce drugs, cells or contrast agents. For long-term observation, it is not practical to conduct biopsy to instantaneously check the status of pathological tissues at different time points. Therefore, it is desirable to utilize noninvasive tools such as intravital imaging to investigate the three-dimensional structure changes in the disease models. In this article, we will discuss the applications of two-photon confocal microscopy for the real-time imaging in live animals. We will focus on disease models based on mouse or chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) models. |