中文摘要 |
漫反射光譜學近年在生醫光學領域得到廣泛的應用。基於適當的理論模型,漫反射光譜系統可快速地將量測訊號轉譯成為人體生理參數量測。除了可用於動脈血氧比例量測,也是許多團隊用於開發光學穿戴式量測血糖、血壓設備的核心基礎。本文將會介紹漫反射光譜學技術的量測原理,並分享皮膚膠原蛋白、新生兒膽紅素與血紅素等臨床應用結果。 Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has been widely used in the field of biomedical optics in recent years. Based on proper theoretical models, DRS not only can be used in quantifying arterial oxygen saturation level, but also used by many groups for developing wearable devices for blood glucose and blood pressure monitoring. In this article, we will introduce the theoretical background of DRS and show its clinical applications in investigating skin collagen concentration, and quantifying neonatal bilirubin and hemoglobin levels. |