中文摘要 |
光學同調斷層掃描(OCT)是一種不需破壞組織表面即可得到組織深度影像的即時光學成像技術,能夠對組織結構進行二維或三維成像,且該影像解析度可達到微米等級,因此適用於檢測子宮頸癌前病變。本研究係針對婦科子宮頸成像開發了結合內視鏡導管的OCT系統,此系統可對子宮頸內管進行三維成像。在進行人體研究之前,我們已經針對所開發之系統性能進行了一系列檢測,並獲得了以人類指尖為活體樣本進行影像採集的初步測試數據,初步成像結果證明了此系統的成像能力。 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive and high-resolution imaging technology that provides real-time and cross-sectional images of the tissue architectures, suitable for detecting precancerous lesions of the cervix. We have developed a catheter-based OCT system allowing volumetric imaging of the cervical canal, particularly the cervical canal or the vagina. Preliminary imaging results of the human palm and fingertip were shown to demonstrate the imaging capability of the developed imaging system. |