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A Case Study on a CSL Course for Naturalized Immigrants in a Rural Community in Taiwan
作者 林慕愔
本文以研究者的民族誌循環歷程,觀察臺灣偏鄉農村社區中、 老年新住民學習華語讀寫的過程,探討他們對學習華語讀寫的態 度、教與學的挑戰及可行性方案。本研究觀察到,中、老年新住民 呈現集體主義的學習行為,開課單位重視社區參與和培養公民素 養,卻未考慮到這些二語學習者的特殊社會屬性,以至於降低個案 長期參與課程的意願。因此,本研究設計了一個基於社會認知理論 架構、由師生共構、融入地域、社會與風格變異的華語讀寫課程。 實施的結果顯示,以 LINE 為平台發展華語數位素養,可以幫助新 住民表達概念、改變溝通模式和維繫社群關係,對參與者產生立即 而廣泛的學習效果,具有生活實用性。透過本研究設計的華語讀寫 課程,可以重新建構符號系統的意義,活絡臺灣多元文化社會動態 結點網絡的生態,實踐跨文化整合的目的。偏鄉農村社區中、老年 新住民確實有學習華語讀寫的必要,開課單位及教師必須能設計 出符合他們特性與需求的讀寫課程,如此才能夠提升他們的識字 能力,累積他們的社會文化資本。
This ethnographic study adopted a teacher-as-researcher method to observe the process of L2 Chinese literacy learning in middle-aged and elderly new residents in Taiwan. The themes are to discuss (1) learners' attitudes towards developing L2 Chinese literacy, (2) challenges for teaching and learning, and (3) feasible curricula for teaching. It was found that participants exhibited collective learning behaviors, and that community participation and the cultivation of civic literacy were important in the curriculum units. Furthermore, essential for the study was to take into account the special social attributes of these L2 learners, which reduced their willingness to participate continuously. Therefore, this study proposed a new type of courses for L2 Chinese literacy curricula, from a socio-cognitive perspective, that the instructor and learners worked together so that regional, social, and stylistic differences could be integrated. Emerging from such ideas was a group on LINE set for learners to exchange information based on L2 Chinese digital literacy. Through the literacy curricula, the semiotic system was reconstructed, making Taiwanese multicultural dynamic networks more active, fulfilling the purposes of intercultural integration. In conclusion, curriculum units constructed by the cooperation of learners and instructor substantially improved their literacy and accumulate their social and cultural capital.
起訖頁 33-56
關鍵詞 新住民中老年華語讀寫教學臺灣華語個案研究new residents middle-aged and elderly Mandarin literacy teaching Taiwan Mandarin case study
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 202006 (20期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 從語音轉寫與聲學分析探討印尼學習者華語無聲擦音習得
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣教育部「對外華語文教學能力認證考試」中的「華人社會與文化」考題適切性探討




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