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The Practice and Reflections on Problem-Based Learning and Adler Psychology in an Emotion Management Course for Preservice Preschool Educators
作者 黃志雄 (Chih-Hsiung Huang)
本研究旨在職前教保服務人員之情緒管理課程中,融入「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)與阿德勒心理學,探討其對學生課堂參與和學習結果的影響,以解決研究者在教學上所面臨之大學生課堂參與和學習成效問題。本研究主要採取個案研究法,兼採行動研究之實施策略,研究對象為選修職前教保服務人員「教師情緒管理」課程的57位學生。研究者設計以阿德勒心理學為核心的12個主題作為課程內容,採用PBL教學法,並使用Tron Class行動學習平臺作為教學平臺,於學期中和學期末自編學習回饋與檢核表以了解學生學習狀況。同時,蒐集與分析學生課後學習省思、小組學習單、個別實作任務、成果分享、同儕回饋與反思及研究日誌,另輔以學校教師教學評量結果,以綜合評估教學實踐與學生學習成效。研究結果發現:以PBL融入課程的實踐頗受學生認同與肯定|能有效促進學生參與課堂討論,有助於課程目標的學習,以及了解和學習面對自己的情緒與問題|學生能認同並指出自己在情緒管理方面的學習和改變。
This study incorporated problem-based learning (PBL) and Adler psychology in an emotion management course for preservice preschool educators and explored the effect of PBL and Adler psychology on students' classroom participation and learning outcomes| the goal was to solve the problems encountered by the researcher related to students' classroom participation and learning outcomes in university education. A case study and action research were conducted on 57 students in the emotion management course for preservice preschool educators. The course centered on 12 topics based on the Adler psychology, adopted the PBL model, and employed the TronClass mobile learning platform. At the middle and end of the semester, self-developed learning feedback forms and checklists were used to understand the students' learning conditions. The students' afterclass learning reflections, group study sheets, individual practical tasks, achievement sharing, peer feedback and reflection, and research logs were gathered and analyzed, and the instructor's teaching evaluation was examined to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of the teaching practices and student learning. The results revealed that the students affirmed and appraised the integration of the PBL model in the course| the model effectively motivated the students to participate in classroom discussions, enhanced the achievement of the course goals, and enabled the students to understand and confront their own emotional problems. Moreover, the students were able to recognize and identify their learnings and changes related to their emotion management.
起訖頁 45-92
關鍵詞 阿德勒心理學問題導向學習(PBL)情緒管理教保服務人員Adler psychologyproblem-based learning (PBL)emotion managementpreschool educator
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202003 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 全球移動之創新教學設計:走出去、活下去、教保活動真有趣
該期刊-下一篇 化工系程序控制課程實踐問題導向學習接軌化工廠控制實務




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