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Innovative Teaching Design Under Global Mobility: Going Out, Staying Alive, as well as Fun Early Childhood Education and Care Activities
作者 劉豫鳳
本研究旨在探討以「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)協助幼保系學生研擬海外教保服務方案,對於提升其全球移動力與專業轉化能力之成效。研究參與對象為53位私立科技大學幼兒保育學系四年級學生,課程內容聚焦於提升學生之國際視野、海外生活適應、專業轉化三大主軸,設定一個總目標與三個分項目標,並對應主軸發展出「走出去」、「活下去」、「教保活動真有趣」三類教學主題、12個教學活動。透過綜合學生個別(單週省思、期末省思、期末教案)、小組(期中報告),以及教師(教學紀實)等多元資料進行質性分析,以了解與評估學生的學習成效。研究結果發現:「全球移動之創新教學設計」有助於學生開啟國際化理解,勇敢接觸並期待在未來擁抱世界|能激起學生嘗試國際移動的想法|能透過跨越文化脈絡的教案設計與討論,規劃出在其他國家實踐幼保專業的活動。文末並說明提供教師省思與全球移動力課程,未來可延續發展與改進之思考。
The objective of this study was to explore the effectiveness of problembased learning (PBL) in helping students in the department of early childhood education and care (ECEC) create overseas ECEC service projects, improve their global mobility, and engage in professional transformation. The study participants were 53 senior students in the ECEC department of a private university of science and technology. The PBL-based global mobility course employed in this study focused on expanding students' international horizon, improving their ability to adapt to living overseas, and facilitating their professional transformation. Specifically, one comprehensive goal and three secondary goals were established for the course, which involved three topics entitled ''Going Out,'' ''Staying Alive,'' and ''Fun ECEC Activities'' and 12 teaching activities. Qualitative analysis was performed on data collected from student personal assignments (weekly reflection, end-of-term reflection, and end-of-term teaching plan), group reports (midterm reports), and teachers' teaching logs to determine students' learning outcomes. The results indicated that the proposed novel teaching design based on global mobility helps students gain further insight into globalization, allows them to embrace the challenges brought by globalization, and encourages them to work overseas. Through cross-cultural contextual teaching plan design and discussion, the students created ECEC service projects to be implemented in other countries. Finally, this study further explored the teachers' reflection and the proposed global mobility course. The results can provide a reference to subsequent thinking of developing and improving relevant courses.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 幼兒教育全球移動高等教育問題導向學習(PBL)國際視野early childhood education and care (ECEC)global mobilityhigher educationproblem-based learning (PBL)global vision
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202003 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 問題導向學習與阿德勒心理學融入職前教保服務人員情緒管理課程之實踐與反思




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