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Applying Problem-Based Learning in Process Control Courses in Departments of Chemical Engineering: Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry
作者 劉佳霖
「程序控制」是化工系畢業生在化工廠最實用的課程之一,旨在訓練學生藉由控制系統具有維持化工廠穩定操作的能力。然而,以往課程設計大多採數學方程式推導控制系統的原理與實作方法,無助於畢業生接軌化工廠控制實務。因此,本研究旨在探討改以製程動態模擬器Aspen HYSYS模擬操作單元與控制器,讓學生理解與應用控制系統經常使用的工具與方法,並結合「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)完成製程操作問題,是否有助於接軌化工廠控制實務。本研究採個案研究法,參與者為大四學生A班40人,B班47人。A、B兩班使用相同的教科書,唯授課教師不同|B班教師採取傳統的數學公式推演教學方式,A班教師採用製程動態模擬器Aspen HYSYS引導學生利用程序控制的方法,並完成事先設計的製程操作問題。學習後成效調查顯示,A班學生具有較好的學習成效,較能分辨製程的受控及操作變數,以及測量訊號的傳遞方式。此外,在基於安全操作的考量下,較能具有設定控制閥作動模式能力,並較能理解製程問題且選擇適當的控制策略,也較能正確地配對受控及操作變數。
Process Control is a practical course that prepares chemical engineering graduates for work in chemical plants| the objective is to equip students with the ability to maintain stable chemical plant operations by using control systems. However, most Process Control courses have been designed as such that students deduce mathematical equations to learn the principles and implementation of the control systems, which fail to prepare chemical engineering graduates for real-life chemical plant control-related operations. Therefore, this study used Aspen HYSYS, a dynamic process simulator, to simulate operating units and controllers. This teaching method facilitated students' understanding and enabled them to apply the tools and methods commonly used in control systems. The proposed Process Control course also incorporated problem-based learning to design process operation problems, thereby assessing the course's effectiveness in preparing students for chemical plant control. This study employed case study research. The participants were 40 and 47 seniors from Classes A and B of the Chemical Engineering Department, respectively. Classes A and B were taught by different teachers using the same textbook. Teacher of Class B applied the conventional teaching method of deducing mathematical equations, whereas teacher of Class A imparted process control methods to students using a dynamic process simulator, Aspen HYSYS, and had students solve the predesigned process operation problems. According to the learning outcome assessment, students in Class A achieved superior learning outcomes and were capable of differentiating controlled and manipulated variables of the process and understanding methods of measuring signal transmission. Abiding by the principle of safe operations, students in Class A were able to properly adjust the settings of control valves. Moreover, they were competent enough to identify process operation problems and resolve them with the appropriate control strategies, and correctly matched the controlled and manipulated variables as well.
起訖頁 93-127
關鍵詞 問題導向學習(PBL)控制系統程序控制製程動態模擬器problem-based learning (PBL)control systemsprocess controlprocess dynamic simulator
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202003 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 問題導向學習與阿德勒心理學融入職前教保服務人員情緒管理課程之實踐與反思
該期刊-下一篇 整合鷹架理論和翻轉教學模式融入專題式學習課程




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