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A Study on the Correlation between Personality and Well-being of Middle-aged and Elderly Volunteers -Taking Nantou County as an Example
作者 林燕玉陳欣蘭
Taiwan has entered the ageing society, and growing older adults who mostly are healthy are encouraged to join the volunteer service as the important human resources in the society based on their profession and experience. When elderly people participate in voluntary service, they can increase their interpersonal relationship through social interaction and care, gain self-growth, self-realization, social affirmation and spiritual happiness, which will help to demonstrate the meaning and value of old age. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between the personality traits and well-being of the middle-aged and elderly volunteers. 209 valid middle-aged and elderly volunteers in Nantou County were investigated by questionnaire survey. The results of the study were as follows: (1) The social demographic variables of the subjects were not significantly related to the personality traits. (2) The differences in the economic and health status of the subjects had significant differences in the well-being. (3) The personality traits of the test subjects were significantly positively correlated with well-being. (4) The personality traits of the subjects were predictive of happiness. This result can provide a reference for future planning of middle-aged and elderly volunteer service for related organizations and follow-up researchers.
起訖頁 242-255
關鍵詞 志願服務人格特質幸福感volunteer servicepersonality traitshappiness
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202009 (9:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 電競產業週邊硬體設備企業經營績效之分析
該期刊-下一篇 從顧客權益觀點探討走馬瀨農場的永續經營模式




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