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The Analysis of Operational Efficiency of Hardware Companies of E-sports Industry
作者 顏慧明蕭文姃江慧貞蔡義清張家瑞
E-sports have been included in the demonstration project in Hangzhou 2022. In this industry, the electronic system is the main basis of e-sports events. 80% of the world's hardware manufacturing related to E-sports are manufactured in Taiwan. Therefore, the research objectives of this study include analyzing the operating performance of enterprises in the e-sports industry in recent years, and examining possible factors that affect operating performance. The study period is set from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018 in five consecutive quarters, and the data sources are taken from the Yahoo Kimo Concept Stocks website and MoneyDJ wealth management website, and the Taiwan Economic News Database. A total of thirty-four related companies' data are included. Research methods include data envelopment analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, independent sample T test, and multiple regression model. The research results found that except for the performance of listed companies, there was a significant correlation between the R&D expense ratio, total assets and efficiency values. Finally, from the multiple regression analysis, it is found that R&D expense ratio is negatively and significantly related to companies' efficiency. The reason is likely that corporate R&D expenses have a deferred effect on corporate profits, so research and development expenses are negatively and significantly related to business performance.
起訖頁 228-241
關鍵詞 電競產業資料包絡分析法多元迴歸研發費用E-sports IndustryData Envelopment Analysis Multiple RegressionR&D
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202009 (9:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 消費者持續消費動機研究──以沾美西餐廳為研究標的
該期刊-下一篇 中高齡志工人格特質與幸福感相關性之研究──以南投縣為例




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