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The Experiences of Madness in Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan: Tanking Chinese Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shin Bo As an Example
作者 陳政皓
臺灣現代精神醫學奠定於日治時期。臺灣精神醫學早期因人力物力之不足, 發展上相對緩慢,直到 1916 年中村讓來臺後才逐漸發展,此時的精神醫學以實驗 研究為主,及以中村讓為主的司法精神醫學。因此在精神醫學發展受限的情況下, 此時的臺灣社會是如何看待瘋狂?日本本國人、在臺日人與臺灣人如何認識瘋狂? 為描繪出日治時期臺灣社會的瘋狂體驗,本文將以前人研究概述日治時期臺 灣精神醫學之發展脈絡,並以《漢文臺灣日日新報》進行分析,討論在日治時期 臺灣常民社會的瘋狂體驗。
Modern Psychiatry was laid during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. Because of lacking resources, the development of Psychiatry in Taiwan was slow and difficult in the early time. Until 1916,中村讓came to Taiwan, than it started to develop gradually. At the time, the development of Psychiatry in Taiwan was based on experiment, and Judicial Psychiatry leading by中村讓. The Taiwan society in this time how to consider the madness that the development of Psychiatry in Taiwan was limited, and how do Japanese living in Japan, Japanese living in Taiwan and Taiwanese recognize madness? For describing the experiences of madness in Japanese colonial period in Taiwan, the article will describe the development of Psychiatry in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period in the first, and analysis Chinese Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shin Bo.
起訖頁 43-59
關鍵詞 日治時期精神醫學史瘋狂體驗《漢文臺灣日日新報》japanese colonial period history of psychiatry the experiences of madness Chinese Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shin Bo
刊名 史匯  
期數 201911 (22期)
出版單位 國立中央大學歷史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 西方醫學傳播下哺育衛生觀念呈現──以《婦女雜誌》為中心
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣考察著述中的近代化與殖民統治觀察(1911-1936)──兼及考察者的文化情懷




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