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A Hybrid Approach of Deep Semantic Matching and Deep Rank for Context Aware Question Answer System
A Hybrid Approach of Deep Semantic Matching and Deep Rank for Context Aware Question Answer System
作者 Shu-Yi XieChia-Hao Chang (Chia-Hao Chang)Zhi ZhangYang MoLian-Xin JiangYu-Sheng Huang (Yu-Sheng Huang)Jian-Ping Shen
Most of the existing Question Answer Systems focused on searching answers from the Knowledge-Base (KB), and ignore context aware information. Many Question Answer models perform well on public data-sets, but too complicated to be efficient in real world cases. Effectiveness, concurrency and system availability are equally important in industry which have large data and requests, we propose a Context Aware Question Answer System based on the Information Retrieval with Deep Semantic Matching and Deep Rank. It has been applied to the online question answer system for insurance Question Answer. By these means, we achieve both high QPS (Query Per Second) and effectiveness. Our approach improves the system’s ability to understand the question with context aware coreference resolution, subject completion, and the long sentence compression. After the matching questions are recalled from the ElasticSearch, Siamese CBOW (Continues Bag-Of-Words Model) and KBQA filter some unreasonable ones by entity alignment. After the result is sorted by the deep rank model with co-occurrence words and semantic features, our system does clarification or answer output. Finally, for those questions that we are unable to provide answers, a dialogue mining module as part of our Smart Knowledge-Base Platform is developed. This results in more than 10 times improvement in terms of efficiency for manpower involved in data labeling process.
起訖頁 72-81
關鍵詞 Question AnsweringCoreference ResolutionError CorrectionSentence CompressionDeep Semantic MatchDeep RankKnowledge-Base ManagementInsurance Domain
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2019 (2019期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 預訓練詞向量模型應用於客服對話系統意圖偵測之研究
該期刊-下一篇 A Real-World Human-Machine Interaction Platform in Insurance Industry




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