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A Real-World Human-Machine Interaction Platform in Insurance Industry
A Real-World Human-Machine Interaction Platform in Insurance Industry
作者 Wei TanChia-Hao Chang (Chia-Hao Chang)Yang MoLian-Xin JiangGen LiXiao-Long Hou Chu ChenYu-Sheng Huang (Yu-Sheng Huang)Meng-Yuan HuangJian-Ping Shen
In the insurance industry, lots of effort is putting into helping the customer to solve their problems that occurred during and after purchasing cycle and helping telemarketers to practice selling skills. Chat bots and assistant bots are widely used in these business scenarios, but building a bot application from scratch is expensive. In this paper, a human-machine interaction platform specially designed for intelligent bot applications in insurance industry that combined the technologies of Question Answering (QA), task-oriented dialogue and chit-chat was proposed and we demonstrate the architecture design of this platform, key technologies and the scenario of applications in real-world insurance industry. It has been supporting many intelligent bot applications of insurance industry already, such as Intelligent Coach Bot (ICB) which helps telemarketers to practice their selling skills, Intelligent Customer Service Bot (ICSB) which provides after-sales services and Insurance Advisor Bot (IAB) which helps customer to purchase the most suitable insurance product. Currently, these bot applications serve millions of users per day and are able to solve 80% of the online problems.
起訖頁 82-91
關鍵詞 Human-Machine Interaction SchemaDialogue TreeText SimilarityText MatchingChit Chat EngineAnaphora ResolutionIntention/Slot DrivenAttention Mechanism
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2019 (2019期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Hybrid Approach of Deep Semantic Matching and Deep Rank for Context Aware Question Answer System
該期刊-下一篇 結合LDA與SVM之社群使用者立場檢測




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