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A Study on Integrating the Teaching of Microfilm Appreciation into Filial Piety Education
作者 吳善揮文德榮
Background: This study attempts to use microfilms as a teaching material for filial piety education with a series of teaching activities. We could understand the effectiveness of the teaching of micro-film appreciation into filial piety education on students' related knowledge and learning interest. Research questions: This study is to explore the integration of microfilms into filial piety education, whether it can enhance students' understanding of Chinese filial piety and learning interest in filial piety education. Research participants: The study was conducted in a band three secondary school in Hong Kong (the overall academic score of the admitted students was ranked in the lower position of all the Hong Kong students). 94 junior form one students were invited to take part in this study. Research method: The researchers used written test to explore whether this study can increase students' knowledge of filial piety. In addition, the researchers also used student reflective journal as a research tool to explore how this study affects students' understanding of the spirit of Chinese filial piety. Finally, the researchers conducted a questionnaire (pre-test and post-test) which to find out whether they can increase their learning interest in filial piety education after participating in the microfilm appreciation curriculum. Teaching method: There are 20 lessons in this research study (35 minutes per lesson) and 8 microfilms would be watched. The process of each session is as follows: 1. Watching the microfilm; 2. Teaching of microfilm appreciation; 3. Learning activities: group discussion, students' sharing, teacher and student discussion, drama activities; 4. completing the study form; 5. filling in the reflection journal. Research results: In terms of qualitative data, this study could effectively enhance students' understanding of the spirit of Chinese filial piety. In terms of quantitative data, students could enhance their learning interest in Chinese filial piety education through this study
起訖頁 155-179
關鍵詞 中華文化孝親教育微電影Chinese culturefilial piety educationmicrofilms
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202007 (128期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 馬公國中生家庭社經地位與英語學習成就之研究:三個英語學習動機中介變項為例
該期刊-下一篇 教育領導定義、取向與分析方法之研究




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