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A Study on the Spatial Relationship of Official Worship in Ching Dynasty and the Spatial Characteristics of Attached Worship in Taiwan
作者 張崑振
The official cult in Ching dynasty had three distinct ceremony ranks: Da Si 大祀, Zhong Si 中祀and Qun Si 群祀. Rituals had to be held in regular time and immovable space. The most important thing was that must be kept upon the strict regulations of official ceremony. According to the administrative hierarchy of Taiwan, the ceremony of worships had included She Gi 社稷, Xian Nong 先農, Fengyun Leiyu 風雲雷雨、Shan Chuan 山川、Confucius 孔子, Guan Di 關帝, Wen Chang 文昌, Demon Hordes 厲鬼, the city god 城隍, and so on. Because of the difference of spatial and ritual relation between each gods, that status of god may be distinguished into 'main worship 主祀', 'secondary worship 配祀' and 'accessory worship 從祀'. Nevertheless, because of some particular reasons, there had some official ritual spaces were 'attached' into other altar (temple). Therefore, this study is going to understand the various offering relation and definition between each official ritual space that had attached into an altar (temple) by the discussion of the ritual space. Further more, by comparing the difference between official cult and local cult. This paper aims to explore the characters and spatial meanings about the 'attached cult 附祀'.
起訖頁 57-100
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200406 (3:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 新街三山國王與五十三庄:管窺北港溪流域中游的一個福佬客信仰組織
該期刊-下一篇 前涼建興二十八年「松人」木牘解復鬼文研究




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