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Lords of Triple Mountains in Xinjie and an Alliance of 53 Villages: Survey on Religious Organization of Hoklo-influenced Hakka in the Middle Part of Beigang River Valley
作者 邱彥貴
This thesis aims to capture the distribution of ethnic groups on the plain region across Yunlin and Jiayi counties. The regional cult of'53 Villages' centering on the worship of the Lords of Triple Mountains(三山國王), which temple is located at Xinjie, namely 'boom town', of Dapi township in Yunlin county. The investigation of such regional unit is carried out by the study of the oral history and written documents about the belief of the Lords of Triple Mountains and the dispersion of lineages around this area. The major issues and approaches are discussed in the introduction. In Chapter 1, the three cardinal research topics: Xinjie, 53 Villages, and the Lords of Triple Mountains are explained primitively. The temporal and spatial factors are also positioned. Chapter 2 follows the clue offered by the statehood of 7 lineages holding the great mercy ceremony of Xinjie, to unveil the Hakka attribute of 53 Villages and the Lords of Triple Mountains. In Chapter 3 it is discussed thoroughly about the ethnical distribution, especially the contemporary population density of Hakkas in 53 Villages among 8 townships in both Yunlin and Jiayi. To reinforce and verify the point of view mentioned in the former chapter, the ethnical and religious condition of the neighboring areas surrounding 53 Villages as a referential contrast in Chapter 4. Two concluding remarks have been made: firstly, the primary sketch on the countenance of the largest Hakka, or Hoklo-influenced Hakka community, between Zhuoshui River and Liudui dorps in Kaohsiung and Pingdong, has been recovered. Next, a common sense that 'Zhangzhou immigrants dwell in middle of the Quanzhou-dominant seashore and Hakka-prominent mountains' should be refined; in that the ethnical distribution on the northern part of Jia-nan plain is actually as such: 'Cantonese Hakka descendants live between the coastal Quanzhou and hilly Zhangzhou people'.
起訖頁 1-56
關鍵詞 中國道教醫藥醫療疾病ChinaReligious Taoismmedicinehealingillness
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200406 (3:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 清代官祀空間的祭祝關係及台灣附祀空間特徵之探討




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