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The Analysis of Chinese Character Writing and Words Usage Errors Made by Chinese-Japanese Learners and Suggestions
作者 蔡喬育 (Qiao-Yu Cai)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Chinese writing errors made by Chinese-Japanese learners in learning Chinese on the basis of contrastive analysis of Chinese-Japanese Characters. The research is made by analyzing Chinese texts, including test papers, homework and short compositions, written by those who studied in the advanced Chinese class in a university, in summer, 2010. Suggestions of teaching the Chinese-Japanese learners are proposed on the basis of Chinese writings errors made by the learners. The result showed that owing to negative transfer of Japanese Kanji, 6 Chinese writing error types are made, as follows: Errors of same characters; 2. Errors of different characters but same meanings; 3. Errors of same characters but different meanings; 4. Errors of non-Chinese characters; 5. Errors of non-Japanese characters, and 6. Errors of inverted co-morpheme phrases. On the basis of the above mentioned, suggestions are proposed that teachers should keep low error resilience and have good sensitivity to correct Chinese writing errors made by the learners. Second, on the basis of the contrastive analysis of Chinese-Japanese characters and the error analysis of Chinese writing, teachers try to compile a Chinese reading and writing materials suitable for the Chinese-Japanese learners to learn. Third, the reading ability of Chinese-Japanese learners is prior to other Chinese L2 learners of non-Chinese character cultural sphere, so teachers could assign the learners more Chinese selections to read.
起訖頁 53-77
關鍵詞 日籍華裔學生中日漢字詞對比分析漢字詞書寫偏誤對日華語文教材教法Chinese-Japanese learnerscontrastive analysis of Chinese-Japanese Characterserrors of Chinese character writingChinese teaching and materials for Chinese- Japanese learners
刊名 中原華語文學報  
期數 201404 (13期)
出版單位 中原大學應用華語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 法國漢字教學現況及其對台灣華語文教學的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 論戲劇教學法在新加坡華文教育的萌生、發展與挑戰




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