中文摘要 |
這幾年全世界興起一股中文熱,學習華語的外籍人士有逐漸增加的趨勢。許多國家為了因應當地華語學習者與教學者的不同需求,逐漸形成具有地區性的華語教學特色,這包括語言標準的提出、教材與教學法的開發等。在歐洲,《語言共同參考架構:學習、教學、評估》(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment, CEFR, 2001)及《歐洲漢語能力基準項目》(European Benchmarking Chinese Language Project, EBCL, 2012)的提出,建立了語言教學與學習的標準。法國教育部(2003)對於以華語為第一外語、第二外語及第三外語學習者也提出了相關要求,對於漢字更有明確規範。本文以當前法國最通行的三套漢語教材──《漢語語言文字啟蒙》(M?thode d'initiation ? la langue et ? l'?criture)、《漢語雙軌教程》(C'est du chinois)、《漢語入門》(M?thode de Chinoises)為主展開分析,結合法國教育部(2003)《公立中學中文課程規定》,探討當地的漢語教學情況,集中討論漢字學習要求與漢字教學法。最後提出結論,並提出相關建議,希望能對華語教學領域有所貢獻。 |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, Chinese language learning rapidly increased in almost every place in the world. Many countries provides localized version of Chinese teaching methodology for different needs of learners and teachers, including language framework, teaching material and teaching methodology. In Europe, "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment, CEFR, 2001" and "European Benchmarking Chinese Language Project, EBCL, 2012" provides Chinese language teaching and learning standard. Education department of France defines request of Chinese as a primary language, second language and third language, for more specific rules in Chinese characters. This article was written as an analysis reference for three most common Chinese teaching material: "Méthode" d'initiation à la langue et à l'écritur, C'est du chinois and "Méthode de Chinoises". Colaborated with "High school Chinese class standard" issued by Education department of France, to mention about Chinese language teaching, focus on Chinese characters learning and teaching methodology. Finally, concludes in suggestion for contribution of Chinese teaching methodology. |