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Proper Voicing: Emotion Refinement in Parent-Adolescent Conflicts
既往情緒調控研究多比較單一策略對某些依變項的優劣,較忽略真實生活情境會隨著時間改變。此特色在人際衝突情境更為顯著,因為情境容易隨雙方互動情況改變。本研究以親子衝突情境為研究脈絡,輔以切合華人文化的情緒精鍊理論,提出內含情緒調控歷程觀的情緒調控策略──適當表達:青少年在衝突中先抑制情緒反應,品味情緒經驗與反思後,尋求合適時機向父母分享自身情緒。本研究編製適當表達策略問卷,於研究一將其與重新評估策略、壓抑策略作比較,檢視它們在親子衝突中對青少年身心適應的影響。參與者為761位高中生(平均年齡16.6歲)。以結構方程模型分析,結果顯示:使用適當表達策略頻率愈高的青少年,其個體身心適應愈好,雖然其效果與重新評估策略無顯著差異,但明顯優於壓抑策略。而且適當表達策略對親子關係滿意度的正面效果顯著優於重新評估與壓抑策略。研究二使用主題分析法,訪談7位慣用適當表達者(平均年齡18.4歲),確立適當表達之運作階段為:忍耐離場、沉澱轉化、表達分享。上述研究顯示:納入歷程觀點的研究取向能發掘新的情緒調控方式,且比起單一策略的研究方式更貼合個體對真實情緒事件的反應,具有較佳的生態效度。 Most studies on emotion regulation have not applied a process-based view, and have thus ignored the dynamics of the context. We used the framework of Chinese emotion refinement theory and a process-based perspective to examine emotion regulation strategies in parent-adolescent conflict in two studies. Proper voicing entails temporarily inhibiting one's emotional reaction while in conflict, savoring one's emotional experience, self-reflecting, and then appropriately sharing these emotions with parents. We developed a measure of proper voicing and then conducted a correlational study to identify the relation of proper voicing to positive outcomes in Study 1. A total of 761 Taiwanese teenagers (mean age = 16.6) from four high schools in northern Taiwan completed our questionnaire. S.E.M. analysis of the results showed that the more participants used proper voicing the higher their well-being score. The effect of proper voicing on teenagers' well-being was equal to cognitive reappraisal. In addition, the effect of proper voicing on satisfaction with the parent-adolescent relationship was positively stronger than the effect of reappraisal or suppression. We interviewed 7 college students (mean age = 18.4) in Study 2. Using thematic analysis, we identified three steps in the process of proper voicing that were congruent with our theory: leaving the scene, collecting oneself, and sharing with parents. We concluded that proper voicing demonstrates the research potential of a process-based perspective to enrich research on emotion regulation and to develop ecologically valid strategies for improved mental health.
起訖頁 57-119
關鍵詞 重新評估情緒精鍊情緒調控適當表達親子衝突壓抑cognitive reappraisalemotion refinementemotion regulation strategiesparent-adolescent conflictproper voicingsuppression
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201812 (48期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 重要他人意見對於寬恕決定之影響
該期刊-下一篇 儒教「尊尊」的體現:權威敏感之運作與社會適應




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