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The Implementation of Confucius “Respecting the Superior”: The Validation and Social Adjustment of AuthoritySensitization
「尊尊」是儒教∕儒家學說的核心之一,也是儒家關係主義中華人社會互動的深層結構,而「權威敏感」便是「尊尊」法則的體現。「權威敏感」係指華人在社會互動場合中留意權威者是否在場(權威探尋),並恭敬地對待權威者的行為傾向(相應行為)。本研究旨在探究源自儒家深層結構之尊尊法則的「權威敏感」,在現今社會互動下的運作情形,並與「人際敏感」做一區辨(研究一),及其社會適應性與尊尊倫理之體現(研究二)。研究一採實驗情境故事法,在分析199位有效樣本後發現:人們在社會互動情境下會採取慣習反應的權威探尋,若遇到有權威者在場(相較於遇到平輩或同儕),會立即表現恭敬行為。此外,人際敏感與權威敏感(包括權威探尋和相應的恭敬行為)的關聯性相當低,顯示兩者為可區辨之不同構念。研究一顯示權威敏感在社會互動中的運作情形,並提供區辨效度證據。研究二採實驗情境故事法,在分析167位有效樣本後發現:「高權威敏感」比「低權威敏感」之行為模式更符合社會認定的角色規範,其社會適應性主要出現在縱向關係,對橫向關係較無影響。因此,「高權威敏感」容易得到上司的提拔,也具較佳的社會適應。隱含「權威敏感」背後代表的角色倫理,屬於上下關係互動的倫理,正是關係主義的尊尊法則之體現。 A person sensitive to authority is accustomed to continually monitoring whether or not an authority figure is nearby and performing respectful behaviors if an authority figure is present (termed corresponding behaviors) a phenomenon called authority-sensitization. Authority-sensitization can be considered the implementation of the Confucian respecting the superior (zun-zun) principle. We conducted two scenario studies to investigate the operation and discriminant validity of authority-sensitization (Study 1) and its ethical implications and social adjustment (Study 2). In Study 1, a sample of 199 participants demonstrated that most participants would habitually notice whether an authority figure is present and exhibit respectful behaviors (e.g., standing and bowing) immediately when encountering an authority figure. In addition, authority-sensitization is different from interpersonal sensitivity, because of their weak shared correlation. In Study 2, among 167 participants those who showed high authority-sensitization accorded with the subordinate role were perceived to have better social adjustment and to be more likely promote by the superior than those who did not show authoritysensitization. No such pattern was found in horizontal relationships. The findings suggest that authority-sensitizatin operates in vertical relationship and exemplifies the “zun-zun” ethic of Chinese relationalism.
起訖頁 121-165
關鍵詞 上下倫理權威取向權威敏感關係主義縱向關係authoritarian orientationauthority sensitizationChinese relationalismrespecting the superiorvertical relationship
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201812 (48期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 適當表達:親子衝突中的情緒精鍊
該期刊-下一篇 關係信任:中國人信任的實踐邏輯




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