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The Effect of Significant Other's Advice on Forgiveness in Chinese Culture
作者 林佳苹孫蒨如
本研究目的在探討關係他人在華人寬恕中扮演的角色。過往文獻在探討寬恕的影響因素上,未考量文化特色,也多聚焦在傷害者與被害者身上,我們認為,重視關係的華人,在探討寬恕時應考量傷害事件之外的關係他人影響。研究一主要從不同的關係他人與事件性質切入,探討個人在不同的傷害情境時,關係他人的影響力為何。113名實驗參與者隨機分派至3(事件性質:物質∕相處∕牽涉他者)×3(關係他人意見:好友∕長輩家人∕無意見)混合設計。以寬恕程度為依變項進行二因子分析,結果顯示關係他人意見與事件性質有交互作用,個人在面對具客觀判斷的物質性質事件時,較不會受關係他人的意見影響,但在有關情感傷害的相處事件及牽涉他者的事件上,個人則明顯受到好友意見的影響。我們認為這或許是因為好友與我們價值觀相近,因此他們的意見可能更具參考的價值。研究二以回憶自身傷害事件來增加實驗結果之合理性,並再深入釐清關係他人影響力的本質,88位實驗參與者隨機分派至3(寬恕傾向:已寬恕∕未寬恕∕無)×2(好友寬恕建議:有∕無意見)完全受試者間設計,交互作用效果顯示,關係他人在個人寬恕決定中扮演著主導性而非助長性的影響,原先寬恕傾向不同的個體,會順應關係他人的意見來調整原先的寬恕決定。 We investigated the possible impact of significant others on Chinese people's decision to forgive. Past research has mainly focused on the effect of the victim's attributions regarding the offender's motivation on the decision to forgive. We suggested that because Chinese people have an interdependent self-construal that emphasizes relationalism, a significant other's opinion may play an important role in the decision to forgive. In Experiment 1, 113 participants were asked to imagine that they were victims in 3 types of hurt scenarios caused by their partner (i.e., money loss, relationship damage, and involving other people). They were then randomly assigned to one of the following advice situations: Advice from parents, from a good friend, or the no-advice control condition. The degree of forgiveness was submitted to an advice condition by hurt scenario ANOVA, with the hurt scenarios as a within-subjects variable. We found that advice from a good friend worked especially well in the relationship damage and involving other people situations. Participants reported a significantly higher level of forgiveness in those conditions than in the no-advice condition. Experiment 2 aimed at examining the nature of the advice from the significant other. A total of 88 participants were asked to write down the most harmful interaction they had previously experienced, and then were randomly assigned to a 3 (bogus forgiveness inclination feedback: already forgiven/not forgiven yet/control)×2 (advice condition: false forgiveness advice from a good friend/no advice) betweensubjects design. The result indicated that instead of facilitating the decision to forgive, the significant other played a role in deciding whether or not to forgive. That is, the decision to forgive could be altered by the advice of the significant other.
起訖頁 3-55
關鍵詞 主導性影響傷害事件寬恕關係他人勸告adviceChinese cultureforgivenesshurt scenariosrelationshipthe significant other
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201812 (48期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 適當表達:親子衝突中的情緒精鍊




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