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Investigation into Japanese GAIRAIGO Notation in SOSEKI's Literary Works: "RAMPU" as an Example
作者 林慧君
本篇論文特別以漱石小說中的〈ランプ〉外來語一詞為考察分析對象,主要是探討漱石文學作品中的外來語表記問題。首先調查當時各種辭典登錄(ランプ)一詞的狀況,考察〈ランプ〉在當時的受容以及與翻譯詞之間的關係。並採用『漱石新聞小說復刻全集』(ゆまに書房)以及「定本 漱石全集』(岩波書店)兩種版本,調查漱石小說中的〈ランプ〉表記,分析漱石對於外來語(〈ランプ〉)的受容態度、表記意識,以及表記與漱石表現意圖之間的關聯性。考察結果得知:兩種版本其表記最多的種類並不相同,特別是『漱石新聞小說復刻全集』,到了漱石後期的小說,發現其〈ランプ〉的表記原則呈現使用附帶片假名標音的漢字表記「洋燈」單一化的傾向。另,透過調查,確認了漱石對於〈ランプ)此一外來語同時具有語意與發音的表記意識。此外,也論述了漱石因作品內容的特殊性以及內容文脈的表現意圖不同,所使用的〈ランプ〉一詞的表記意識亦有所差異。
The thesis mainly discusses the GAIRAIGO notation of 〈RAMPU〉 in SOSEKI's novels. Investigating the way dictionaries recorded the term 〈RAMPU〉 at that time and its relationship between sense translation and adoption, we selected "The Reprinted Collection of SOSEKI's News Novels" (YUMANI SHOBO) and "The Collection of SOSEKI's Works, Definitive Version" (IWANAMI SHOTEN) in order to study the notation of 〈RAMPU〉 in SOSEKI's novels, analyze SOSEKI's consciousness of notation and adoption of the GAIRAIGO 〈RAMPU〉, and SOSEKI's expressing purpose. According to the research, the types of notation that is mostly adopted are different in the two textbooks. Especially in the "The Reprinted Collection of SOSEKI's News Novels", there is a convergence to purely using 「洋燈」, which is KANJI notation with KATAGANA phonetic notation, in SOSEKI's late novels. Besides, it was confirmed that SOSEKI had consciousness of semantic as well as phonetic notation of the GAIRAIGO 〈RAMPU〉. Moreover, it is clarified that SOSEKI's consciousness of notation varies depending on the particularity of work's contents and expressing purposes of the contexts.
起訖頁 75-103
關鍵詞 外来語夏目漱石表記意識文脈標音loanwordSOSEKI NATUMEconscious of notationcontextphonetic notation
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201912 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 麥生本系統《源氏物語》的校訂態度--由初音卷與胡蝶卷中與玉鬘相關的描寫觀之
該期刊-下一篇 關於明治武士道之一考察--《現代大家武士道叢論》與浮田和民之武士道




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