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A Study of the Camellia Varieties in Taiwan
作者 楊紹溥
本文為茶花品種的記述,在山茶(Camellia Japonica)中記述有24個品種,賓司,五寶及十八學士為其代表。在茶梅(C. Sasanqua)中有10個品種。在南山茶(C.reticulata)中記錄有1個品種。此外如臺灣的原生種,苦茶(C.brevistyla)的其種子含油分甚為豐富,頗有經濟價值。茶梅除供觀賞外,其新藥亦可製茶,台灣的天然條件適宜,茶花種類與品種繁多,極應研究改良以配合社會的需要。
The Camellia Japonica L. has been cultivated in Taiwan about 300 years. Most of its cultivated varieties were introduced from Chinese Mainland. Such as Pai Pao-ta, Hung Mouta'n Shih-Pa-Hsuch Shih, introduced either from Fukien or from Kwnagtung. About 38 years ago, Pin Sau, Shih-Pa-Hsuch Shih, Fo-ting Cha, were also introduced by Mr. Chunzoo Yang from changchow (Fukien prov­ince) whate (Kwangtung province) and Shanghai respectively. Chiu Ch'u was introduced bf Mr. Chun-Zoo Yang from Fuchow before 53 years and by the another of M. chun-see Li from Fukien before 183 years. The camellia sasanqua Thunb. has been cultivated in Taiwan about 60 years. Most of its cultivated varieties were introduced from Japan and some from Liu Kiu. The Camellia reticulata L. was introduced by Ralph S. peer from U.S.A. before 11 years. The Camellia cultivated in Taipei and Yang Ming Shan is more than any other places, and its guality is better also. Next are Tao Yuan Hsinchu, and I-Lan. There are ten species and thirty five varieties of Camellia in Taiwan as follows. 1. Camellia Japonica L. (1) Tsao-ch'um (2) Pai pao-ta (3) Hung Mou-ta'n (4) Li-chin cha (5) Kuan­Yin Cha (6) Kwangtung Fen (7) Ch'ao-Hsien cha (8) Pai Liu Chuch (9)Shuang-Pan Cha (10) Fen Mou-Tan (11) Pai Mou-Tan (12) Shuang-Pan Cha (13) Sha Ho-hui (14) Li-Yu Chu (15) Mei-Kuei Cha (16). Ch'] Chiao (17) Shih-Pa-Hsueh Shih (18) Wu Pao (19) Ch'u (20) Pin Sau (21) Kai Shih-San Sheng (22) Tai Hsing Shih-pa-Hsueh Shih (23) Hung Lui Chuch (24) Fo- Ting Cha. 2.Camellia Sasanqua Thunb. (1) TanTsu (2) Tan Hung (3) Fen-Hung-shang (4)Pai Hsueh (5) Pa Chung Mei (6) Tzu Hung-Mei (7) Fen-Pien Mei (8) Shuang-Pan Mei (9) Pai Fei (10) Tai Pai 3. Camellia reticulata L. (1) Yen Chih Hung 4. Camellia Oleif era Abel. 5. Camellia brevistyla Hay. 6. Camellia Salicif olia Champ. 7. Camellia Caudata Wall. 8. Camellia Transarisanensis (Hay) Cohen Stuart. 9. Camellia Transnokoensis Hayata. 10. Camellia Nokoensis Hayata.
起訖頁 106-115
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196512 (11:3&4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 石刁柏留莖採收試驗初步報告
該期刊-下一篇 懸濁果汁改進之研究




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