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Effects of Different: System of Training and Spacing on Yield and Quality of the Golden Muscat: Grapes in Taiwan
作者 康有德王守中鄭正勇陳敦溪詹漢文鄭遠謙
一、在臺灣北部栽培Golden muscat葡萄,可採用直立二線式棚架,利用短梢修剪法進行栽培。在行距1.6公尺下,最初五年內可採用1.2公尺株距,以後視實際需要,隨樹齡之增加而進行疏伐,以延長果樹的結果年齡。二、叢狀整枝法雖可節省小部份棚架費用,但其單位面積產量卻遠較同株行距之直立二線式者為低,且枝條垂延地面,所結果實沾染泥土。因之對於台灣之氣候條件而言,似不適宜。三、葡萄果實之品質,受採收前天氣及採收遲早之影響甚大。1965年度中,因受前一年冬季氣溫過高及當年春天氣溫過低之影響,產量及品質遠較往年低劣。不同處理區間在品質上殆無統計上之差異。四、本試險雖有4個收錄穫年度之記錄,但為求生產藍的可靠性似仍有再繼續截察的必要。
Studies of the relative merits of bush pruning and Kniffin system on training Golden muscat grapes were carried out with the JCRR and TTWMB's financial subsidy in the vineyard at the Taoyuan Cooperative Farm, Hsinchu, Taiwan where the first-year plant growth and the four-year crops studies were made. There was comparatively little difference in the amount of fruit borne so far as a result of different methods of training . For the Golden muscat variety the bush pruning seemed less desirable than the Kniffin system, and it was difficult to distribute the bearing wood over the vine. A year may be saved in bringing the vineyard into fruiting by tying young vines to the trellis during the first growing season. Under the Taiwan climatic conditions the Kniffin system of training was satisfactory for the variety of Golden muscat grapes. 1.2 meters apart in rows 1.6 meters apart was the most desirable spacing so far. Wider spacing than 1.5 meters increased the weight of fruit per plant, but resulted in a loss on per unit of area production. Further observations should be made in the next few years.
起訖頁 58-65
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196512 (11:3&4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 利用熱中子及X射線處埋酸桔種子誘導突變之研究
該期刊-下一篇 生長素及保濕設備對於荔枝及薔薇插穗發根之影響




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