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Effects of Chemicals on the Chilling Injury of Detached Fruits. (1) Chemical Control on the Chilling Injury of Detached Tomatoes
作者 黃麗霞
以棉團分別完全浸濕下列各藥液:100 ppm ABA, 1000ppm SADH, 1000ppm CCC, 10% DMSO及1% CaSO4再紮於不同番茄(綠熟果)果柄切口上。然後將番茄貯於2℃庫,每隔一週移入20℃庫,經一週後觀察比較寒害症狀。SADH, CCC及ABA可引發完熟,防止番茄在低溫中完熟失常。SADH, CCC及CaSO4可抑制組織電解質滲漏率增加,並促進對真菌性腐爛之抗性。ABA, SADH, CCC及CaSO4可防止番茄於低溫中還原型維他命C降低,對移到高溫後維他命C降低亦有減緩之效。ABA亦可防止低溫中番茄酸度增加。各藥劑對可溶性固形物及果實呼吸率之寒害變化無顯著影響。總之,ABA, SADH, CaSO4及CCC等有促進番茄果實抗寒之潛力,但DMSO處理則無效。
Mature-green tomatoes were treated with 100 ppm ABA (Abscisic acid) 1,000 ppm SADH (Succinic acid-2, 2-dimethylhydrazine), 1000 ppm CCC (Chlorocholine chloride), 10% DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) and 1% CaSO4 (Calcium sulfate) respectively. After treatments, tomatoes were stored at 2℃ and 2℃ followed by one week at 20℃. ABA, SADH and CCC could initiate the breaker stage of ripening in tomatoes stored at 2℃ and prevent chilled tomatoes from abnormal ripening. CaSO4, CCC and SADFI could maintain membrane permeability, prevent electrolyte leakage, and enhance the resistance to alternaria rot. ABA, SADH. CCC and CaSO4 could inhibit the decrease of reduced ascorbic acid levels in tomatoes stored at 2℃ and 2℃ followed by 20℃. ABA also could prevent the increase of total titratable acidity in tomatoes stored at 2℃ and enhance the loss of acidity from those stored at 2℃ followed by 20℃. Soluble solid compound contents and respiratory rates were not significantly affected by chemicals. In view of the above indications, ABA, SADH, CCC and CaSO4 had the potential to enhance chilling tolerance of tomato, but DMSO was not effective.
起訖頁 180-191
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197707 (23:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 礦物養份及光合作用生成物之輸運與柑桔穗砧組合關係之研究(二)椪柑與柳橙
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣絲瓜簇葉病媒介昆蟲之研究(二)絲瓜菱紋浮塵子(Hishimonus concavus Knight)之寄主植物種類




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