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Effect of Harvest Maturity and Temperature on Respiration of 'Huang Show Fang' Chrysanthemum
作者 李哖吳孟珍
菊花「黃秀芳」於1982-1983年間,栽培於臺北,待花朵發育至第8階段採收,採收後置20℃3小時,花朵與莖葉之呼吸率相對地各為397與270 mg CO2 kg^(-1)hr^(-1);45小時後二者呼吸率均降至原測之45%左右,而後於平穩。未充分發育的舌狀小花,其O2的吸收率亦有相同趨勢,且愈幼嫩舌狀花呼吸率愈高。以花朵發育至第6階段。即緊蕾之外銷熟度採收,置於5-30℃,立測其外層舌狀小花之呼吸率,則5-15℃之Q10為5.04,溫度愈高Q10值趨小。「黃秀芳」之外舌狀小花與葉圓小片之呼吸率,較其他品咱如「英國紅」、「白鳥」等6品種為低。
The respiration of flowers, leaves and stems, and florets of 'Huang Show Fang' chrysanthemum were studied in relation to stage of development, temperature and duration. The respiration of flowers, stems and leaves at 20℃, 3 hours after harvest were 397 and 270 mg CO2 Kg^(-1) hr^(-1), respectively; and then declined rapidly to 45% of its original value after 45 hours of harvest. The oxygen uptake of outermost florets at various developmental stages also decreased with prolonged harvested time. The respiratory rates of outermost florets at the 6th developmental stage (tight bud) were measured between 5 and 30℃. The temperature coefficient (Q10) was 5.04 from, 5 to 15℃; 1.97 from 10 to 20℃; and became lower as temperature increased. The respiration of florets and leaf disc of 'Huang Show Fang' chrysanthemum were the lowest among 7 cultivars tested.
起訖頁 233-240
關鍵詞 採收熱度溫度呼吸率chrysanthemummaturitytemperaturerespiration
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198612 (32:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 番石榴兩栽培品種果實採收後呼吸型式及自動催化產生乙烯能力之比較
該期刊-下一篇 臺北近郊蔬菜直銷超市場對菜農經營上的影響




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