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The Recovery of Taiwan Native Pear (Pyrus koehnel Schneider)~ Identification of Plant Structures
作者 倪正柱
台灣原產梨,本來就屬稀有種,加上大量外來品系的引入,經嫁接,砍伐或雜交,使它面臨絕種的邊緣。當初Hayata在本省的南投縣發現臺灣野梨,此一臺灣原生種與國內的植物誌及圖鑑有許多差距。筆者經十幾年之搜尋,於南投縣惠蓀林場草屯所找到的植株,經由外觀形態與命名文獻、標本比對之結果,葉緣為鈍鋸齒,花芽長12mm,長寬比達3.2以上,花為總狀花序,雄蕊數為20〜22枚,花柱3~4枚。果實直徑1.09±0.08cm,果實萼片脫落,在染色體數方面,此擬似種與鳥梨、棠梨與其他東方梨比較均為34,從花粉粒外壁構造比較,擬似種與美國國家種源庫引進之Pyrus Koehnei同為散條紋,從形態及解剖結果進行綜合比較,可發現擬似種與Pyrus koehnei或Pyrus Kawakamii極為接近,筆者認為其花芽之長寬比達3.2以上可以做為本種的標幟,若與果實直徑及休眠深度一併考慮則更為準確。因而認為該植株為台灣野外已絕種的臺灣野梨。該植株經由Dr. Westwood比對亦認為與美國國家種源庫中所保存的Pyrus koehnei之植物性狀相同。
The Taiwan native pear (Pyrus koehnei or Pyrus kawakamii), which is one of rare species due to great chance of grafting, deforesting and hybridized by the introduced species, has suffered the risk of genocide. Hayata found Pyrus kawakamii in Nanto county. The specimen was kept in Taiwan Forestry Research Institute in Taipei. We found that the characteristics of the specimen were different from the descriptions of several literatures published laterly. Evenmore, we couldn't find any native pear trees in the wild all over the island. Dr. Nee has taken ten years to look for it after Dr. Westwood's visit this island to get this evergreen pear in its native location. Luckly, the suspected clones with chromosome 2n=34 and regulate microstructure of pollen have been found in Huey-Sune Forest area managed by National Chung Hsing University. It is one of the most evergreen with leaf margin crenate, style 3~4, fruit diameter 1.09 ± 0.08 cm, sepal deciduous, similar to the original specien kept in Taiwan Forestry Research Institute and P. koehnei introdued from pear germplasm repository in Corvallis, OR, USA.
起訖頁 29-42
關鍵詞 常綠梨豆梨種質Pyrus koehneievergreen pearpea peargermplasm
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199403 (40:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 番木瓜扦插繁殖及生長結實特性之研究
該期刊-下一篇 簡易溫室覆蓋方式對愛文芒果產量、果實品質及葉片礦物元素含量之影響




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