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烏芙蓉Limonium wrightii(Hance) O. Kuntze.之微體繁殖
The Micropropagation of Limonium wrightii (Hance) O. Kuntze
作者 許乃文劉祖惠黃昭郎吳瑞鈺
本試驗以野生烏芙蓉的嫩葉作為培植體,初代培養時,以全量MS添加BA2mg/L和NAA 0.5mg/L作為固體培養基,在培養二週後誘導出癒傷組織,十週後則可長出不定芽·在不定芽繼代增殖時以Lim!(全量MS和BA 2 mg/L、NAA 0.2 mg/L)、JP2(全量MS和BA 0.5 mg/L·IAA 0.1 mg/L)和JP3(全量MS和BA 0.5mg/L、NAA 0.2mg/L)三種固體培養基培養,培養六週後其不定芽增殖率分別為IO倍、6.5倍和5.4倍,單株培植體移入含有全量MS和IBA 0.2-0.8mg/L的發根培養基中,再生植株的發根率隨著IBA濃度增加而提高,最高的發根率為80%。此外,已發根植株出瓶栽培,在溫室中需以保鮮膜覆蓋一週,並定時噴水以保濕,植株生長良好,存活率可達95%以上。烏芙蓉以組織培養作為種苗繁殖之方式,已在本試驗中建立。
Explants from young leaves of wild Limonium wrightii (Hance) 0. Kuntze. were cultured on solid medium containing MS basal salts, vitamins, BA 2 mg/L plus NAA 0.5 mg/L. Callus were induced from leaf explants 2 weeks after inoculation. Adventitious shoots were developed from callus within 6 weeks of culture period. The explants were then subcultured on 3 different medium named Lim I, JP2 and JP3 supplemented with MS salts and various concentrations of BA, NAA and IAA. Multiplication rate of proliferated stoots in Lim I (BA 2mg/L and NAA 0.2mg/L), JP2(BA 0.5mg/L and IAA 0.1 mg/L) and JP3(BA 0.5mg/L and NAA 0.2mg/L) medium at regular subculture intervals were I 0, 6.5 and 5.4 fold, respectively. Small rosette plantlets were transfered to rooting medium containing MS components and 0.2-0.8mg/L IBA. Furthermore, rooted plantlets were transplanted to greenhouse and covered with plastic wrap to keep moist for at least a week Over 95% of transfered plants survived and grew well under regular irrigation. The micropropagation system of L. wrightii was established in this study.
起訖頁 277-286
關鍵詞 烏芙蓉微體繁殖玻璃質化不定芽發根Limonium wrightiiMicropropagationVitrificationAdventitious shootsRooting
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200009 (46:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 矮化劑種類和濃度對彩葉芋葉柄長度之影響
該期刊-下一篇 兩甘藷葉用品種於淹水情況下抗氧化酵素活性之變化




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