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Different Landscape Patterns on the Respondent's Psychological and Physical Effect--A Case Study
作者 張俊彥彭家麟
Researchers usually use the knowledge of sociology and psychology to explore the problem of landscape assessment. They emphasize visitor's experience in the landscape environment, however, this aspect lacks the influence of landscape environment by the physiographical response. Therefore, this study highlights the point of psychophysiology study, with the following research purposes : I.To explore the respondent's experience within difference landscape patterns 2.Using the method of psychophysiology to explore the respondent's response in difference landscape patterns. 3.To explore the interaction of these two responses from the test result of the respondent's experience and physiographical response. This study tries to use landscape patterns as the stimulant of physiographical response. Students who have finished the studio lesson of environment planning were chosen as test respondents. This study also 山scussed the application of using the psychophysiology method in the landscape assessment. Using the different landscape patterns to stimulate the respondents, both of the experience and the physiographical response show statistically significant. The result depicted that it is useful to use the 'landscape patterns' as a stimulate media to perform the landscape assessment Finally, this study demonstrates the respondent's emotion behavior can be influenced by his environment perception. Further, the influence is one of the factors that induce the respondents to change their physiographical response.
起訖頁 93-102
關鍵詞 景觀評估生理回饋方法環境認知Landscape assessmentBiofeedbackEnvironment cognition
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200003 (46:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 茶樹自交不親和現象之觀察
該期刊-下一篇 公園使用滿意度與其維護管理意願--以臺北市、臺中市、彰化市居民為例




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