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Studies on the Grafting of Solanaceae Fruit Vegetables
作者 吳明哲林茂維
利用抗病性根砧以解決茄果類蔬菜土壤性病害諸如青枯病等問題,為一甚具發展潛力之方法。本試驗採用茄子、番茄及甜椒三種茄果蔬菜當做接穗,以引進自日本引進之Solanum torvum、耐病VF、赤茄及興津一號等四個茄屬植物當做根砧。茄子及番茄可與參試根砧具高嫁接親合性,甜椒則無。四個根砧品種之適合嫁接苗齡為4~6週,莖粗為2.0~3.0mm。屏東長茄以耐病VF或輿津一號為根砧,嫁接成活率可達70.5~90.3%。番茄亦以耐病VF及興津一號當根砧成活率最佳,可達80~100%成活率。遮陰試驗結果顯示嫁接後保持高濕度之環境下,並以75%遮陰網處理,可提高屏東長茄及番茄之嫁接成活率至95%。
It is a potential method to overcome the bacteria wilt disease problem by grafting scions of the Solanaceae fruit vegetables on disease resistant rootstocks. The objectives of this research are aimed on study the grafting affinity among four rootstock varieties (Solanum torvum, S.) ntegrifolium poir × S. melongena L., S. integrifolium poir and Kou-Zu No.1) with eggplant(cv.Ping-Tung Long), tomato(Know-You #301) and sweet pepper(cv.Telstar). The results showed that both tomato and eggplant achieved relatively high grafting compatibility with 4 tested rootstock varieties in the order of Resist. VF, Kou-Zu No. 1, S. Torvum. But the sweet pepper showed low grafting compatibility with the 4 tested rootstocks. The optimum age or stem diameter of rootstock for grafting is 4 to 6 weeks old seedling and 2.0-3 .0mm stem diameter size. Under high moisture condition by mist irrigation, given 75% screen shading can increase graft success rate of Ping-tung Long eggplant and tomato up to 95%.
起訖頁 160-167
關鍵詞 茄果類蔬菜嫁接Solanaceae fruit vegetablesgrafting
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199806 (44:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
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