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A Study on the Evolvement in Tile Configuration and Coloration of Taiwanese Modern Building Façade during the Japanese Occupation Era
作者 堀込憲二
During the 50-year Japanese Occupation Era, from the façade of the modern architecture we have discovered that the changes of tiles colors have obvious influence to the trend, and mostly have the tiles colors as the key role of the trend. When we see the façade colors of the modern architecture in Taiwan, then we can more or less tell about the construction or reconstruction time.The major turning point in the tile industries in Japan and Taiwan has been originated from the Kanto earthquake occurred in 1923, when a large number of the red brick buildings were toppled by the quake. After the disaster, besides of the reconstruction, using the anti-seismic reinforced concrete structure instead of the red bricks started to be the mainstream in many new buildings. Meanwhile, the Aka Koguchi tiles (red tiles with the same size as the smallest surface of the red bricks) on the outer R.C. wall built at the same time as the red bricks have disappeared together with the red brick buildings.Thereafter, the new buildings after the recovery from the disaster, the plastic non-glazed tiles and rustic tiles began to appear on the buildings façades, where the most representative ones were the scratch tiles and rib tiles. This type of tiles provides shadow effect and gives a simple but pleasant feeling, which has been well accepted by all kinds of architectures. During that age, for most Japanese public the red color similar to the red bricks showed old fashion, the ”scratch tiles” were mostly yellow- brownish, which showed a feeling of new era. Thereafter, the yellow-brownish tiles as well as tiles of other models became the mainstream to decorate the façades of modern architecture.In the Taiwanese modern architecture at the end of the Japanese Occupation era, the most common tiles were the yellow-green, blue-green or blue-gray, gray-green tiles, which were called as ”tiles with the (khaki) color of defense camouflage”, after studying related documentations, we would not determine whether this kind of tiles had any meaning of defense camouflage, but this color was highly possible the most fashionable color for the buildings in that age.Concluding from the study above, we can see the color trend evolved with time in three stages, from reddish, yellow-brownish, to yellow-greenish respectively, and this evolvement highly influenced the change in tile coloration of building façade at that time. Furthermore, the colors trend of the Taiwanese modern architecture during the Japanese Occupation Era is very closely related to the trend in Japan, the new model tiles were used simultaneously or just one year difference in two places.
起訖頁 19-48
關鍵詞 日治時期磁磚建築外觀國防色建築裝飾Japanese Occupation EraTilesfaçadekhakiArchitectural Decoration
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從「台北生態城市規劃」到「第三生態」命題及其設計方法
該期刊-下一篇 開放城市:開放原始碼年代的創新城市--孕育Linux-based EeePC的台北




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