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開放城市:開放原始碼年代的創新城市--孕育Linux-based EeePC的台北
Open City: Innovative City in the Age of Open Source-Embedded Taipei of Linux-Based EeePC
作者 楊文全
在網路與開放原始碼的共同衝擊下,傳統的創新城市理論有了新的挑戰。本研究旨在探索實體空間中群聚的廠商如何與虛擬空間中的開放原始碼社群合作,開發出具市場爆發力的開放原始碼創新產品。問題是,這兩種技術社群之間無法建立直接的合作網絡關係,因為他們的創新文化是相對立的:前者需要依賴技術的封閉與私有;後者則強調技術的開放與共享。在這種情況下,兩者的合作需要一個中介的空間機制來接合(articulate)。本研究以孕育出Linux-based EeePC 的台北為經驗案例指出,能夠接合產業群聚與虛擬社群的中介空間機制,是一個能夠發動技術與產品導向運動(technology- and product-oriented movements, TPMs),形成暫時的開放氛圍並促成都市資產支持開放原始碼創新的市民城市。在本研究中,我們暫時稱這個能夠孕育出開放原始碼創新的城市為「開放城市」(Open City)。
Under the impact of Internet and open source, the traditional theory of innovative city has a new chanllege. The aim of this study is to explore how the cluster firms in the physic space cooperate with the open source communities in the virtural space to develop new products. However, these two technology communities can not build direct cooperated relationship with each other, because their innovative cultures are opposed to each other: The former need to rely on closed and proprietary technology; in contrast, the latter emphasizes the openness and sharing technology. Under such circumstances, the cooperation between the two need an intermediary spatial mechanism. Base on the case study of the Taipei breeding Linux-based EeePC, this study pointed that the intermediary spatial mechanism which can articulate industrial clusters and open source virtual community is the city with civil society which can launch the technologyand product-oriented movement to form an temporary open milieu and mobilize urban assets to support open-source-based innovations. In this study, we call this city nurture open source innovation as ”open cities”.
起訖頁 49-72
關鍵詞 創新城市創新氛圍開放原始碼社群產業群聚Linuxinnovative cityinnovative milieuopen source communityindustrial clusterLinux
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期台灣近代建築外牆磁磚形式與色彩變遷之研究
該期刊-下一篇 從大明宮含元殿建築復原方案探討建築考古學的研究方法




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