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國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Economic Development and Local Property Regime's Transformation in China's Inland City: The Case Study of Fuling Model
作者 楊友仁 (You-Ren Yang)王鴻楷
This article explores the mechanisms of economic development and the role of the local government of Chongqing municipality's Fuling district in the spatial context of interior China, in order to understand the urban-regional developmental model which is different from littoral ones of rural industrialization, outward-oriented industrialization or large scale privatization. In contrast to the common impression of in efficiency of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), Fuling district government uses the SOEs as the vehicles to promote local economic development. The main contribution of this article lies in modifying existing theories to construct the analytical framework dealing with the relations between property regime, local government and local economic development, and indentifying the particularity as well as significance of the experience of Fuling's development. Moreover, this article maintains dialogues with relevant discourses on China's property regimes' transformation and points out the shortcomings of orthodox theories of privatization. Finally, it further argues that investigating the transformation of local property regimes from the perspective of local government’s agency under certain conditions of constraint is significant in exploring the complex mechanisms of China's institutional change and local economic development.
起訖頁 61-87
關鍵詞 地方政府國有企業地方發展產權私有化產權體制轉化涪陵重慶中國大陸內陸城市local governmentstate-owned enterprise SOElocal developmentproperty rightsprivatizationproperty regime's transformationFulingChongqingChinainland city
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 200112 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國外“區域學門”期刊的發展與知識互動--文獻計量學取向的分析
該期刊-下一篇 音景的都市表情:雙城記的環境社會學想像




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