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The Exploration into the Undertaking and Transformational Relationship Between Fang Yi-Zhi and the Classical Poetics in the Ming Dynasty
作者 謝明陽
Fang Yi-Zhi, a thinker in the early Qing Dynasty, had won his reputation in the literarycircle as a classical poet in the late Ming Dynasty. While Fang Yi-Zhi's poetic thoughts changed in the Qing Dynasty with his literary image evolving from a poet into a philosopher, his late poetic arguments still has a certain kind of bearing with his early Ge Diao assertions. Hence, the essay is about to explore the undertaking and transformational relationship between Fang Yi-Zhi and the classical poetics in the Ming Dynasty, starting with the poetic convention descending from Wang Shi-Zhi, Ruan Zi-Hua, Bai-Yu to Fang Yi-Zhi to clarify the source from which Fang derived his classical thoughts. Then, as mentioned in one of Fang's works, Shi-Tang, he divided the transformation of his poetic thoughts into three stages. We will analyze the main focus of his poetic theory in these three stages respectively and his shift of attitude from pursuit, transformation and then to transcendence towards classical poetics. A study like this may probably help us to understand the development of Fang's thoughts and the characteristics of the classical poetics in the Ming Dynasty from a special perspective.
起訖頁 71-99
關鍵詞 方以智復古派復古詩學格調Fang Yi-Zhiclassical schoolclassical poeticsGe Diao
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200807 (21期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 鄭樵小學觀探析
該期刊-下一篇 論《太乙金華宗旨》的心性、身體、魂魄觀——內丹學的「氣、光」身心修証與冥契體驗




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