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A New Analysis of Lin Dai Yu's Entering the Jia Mansions in Dream of the Red Chamber - From the Perspective of History and Mythology
作者 歐麗娟
This paper reexamines the episode of “Lin Dai Yu's Entering the Jia Mansions” in the Dream of the Red Chamber. A popular and dominant understanding views this event as Lin's humble asking for relatives Jias' help. This line of interpretation often notices and emphasizes the fact that when Lin enters the Jia Mansions, her sedan chair is via a corner door. However, I point out that this is a misconception about normal rules of Princes' palaces in Qing Dynasty and show that Lin's father actually has a status match and even a little superior to Jias. After establishing this conclusion, I propose a mythological interpretation of this episode, viewing this event as a rite of maternal regression. The meaning of Lin's entering Jia Mansions is a compensation to her want of maternal love and a continuation of her maternal education. The vessel and sedan chair Lin took on her journey are also symbols of cradle. Her entering the Jia Mansions betokens and promises that Lin would afterwards receive warmth and love. After her young girl years in Da Guan Yuan, Lin finally steps out of maternal space and completes her rite of passage.
起訖頁 103-139
關鍵詞 林黛玉母體復歸成年禮儀式Lin Dai-Yuregressus ad uterumvesselsedan chairComing of age Ceremony and Ritual
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201703 (56期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 澡雪淫婦:論《潘金蓮之前世今生》與《金瓶梅》之承衍關係
該期刊-下一篇 由《文學概論講義》探尋梅光迪1920年代的文學思想




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